Publication Guidelines

  • Articles are full research papers on education, engineering, agriculture and their related fields.
  • Papers submitted should be original and authors must declare that their manuscripts have not yet been submitted, accepted, or published in other journals.
  • Authors must follow the required template to contribute to the journal.
  • The submitted journal article must have a duly signed cover letter attachment
  • In the cover letter, the authors are required to: [1] describe the significance of the study, [2]  provide a list  of five possible reviewers who are published authors and whose expertise are related to the theme of the submitted manuscript; and [3] provide a disclaimer that the wok is original and has not been considered for publication elsewhere. Please see attached file below.
  • The submitted file should be in Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc) using the downloadable template. All professing authors should have made significant contributions to the scholarly work. All authors are responsible for the accuracy, quality and ethical necessity of their research work. Please see attached file below.
  • Upon initial submission, and upon passing the pre-screening procedure, the editorial team will submit the manuscript for peer review.
  • After revision, upon acceptance, and before publication, the editorial team will provide an electronic copy of the publishable paper to the corresponding author for final proofreading and verification.
  • The final version of the article to be published should be read and approved by all authors mentioned in the paper.
  • The decision of the Board of Editors to accept or reject a manuscript for publication is irrevocable.