Authors with accepted abstracts are encouraged to electronically submit a full paper in MS Word .doc or .docx format upon registration, for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.

The IRICEEA 2024 Proceedings will be published in a fully digital format. It will be published with an ISSN and will be lodged at the official DMMMSU and IRICEEA website. A link to the electronic copy of the proceedings will be provided to all registered presenters. A hard copy will be available at an additional charge, and will be mailed to those who will request for it after the conference.


  1. Papers must be original and make a contribution to the literature.
  2. The full paper must be in English and should not exceed 6000 words.
  3. The full paper must include: the title; names and affiliation/institution of authors; abstract and key words; and main text of the paper.
  4. Citations and references should be made in accordance with the:
    • APA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (7th edition) – for Education and Agriculture
    • IEEE format – for Engineering
  5. Papers must be formatted as a word document (MS Word .doc or .docx), double-spaced (with single-spacing used for block quotations), using Times New Roman 12-point font. Margins should be 2.5 cm. or 1 inch from all sides.
  6. The first line of each paragraph should be indented. Block quotations should be indented 2.5 cm. or 1 inch from both the right and left margins.
  7. All illustrations, figures, and tables can be included only if it is necessary. They should appear within the body of the paper rather than at the end.
  8. Before submitting your paper, please ensure that the English used is clear, concise and coherent.

After formatting your paper according to above guidelines, upload it through the online registration link together with your proof of payment not later than October 18, 2024.